LA Fit’s Core Values: Make Time

LA Fit’s core values. You’ve seen them on the wall, in the lockers and on our newsletters! 

  • Make Time 
  • Be Fun 
  • Keep It Real 
  • Lead The Pack 

As we celebrate our 9th birthday, we’ll share one of our core values and what it means to us. 


Why it’s important 

Time is precious. We understand how much there is to fit in, how much there is to do.  

By making the time in your busy day to move your body you’re making a commitment to future you that you, and your health, are worth it.  

We all schedule work, family and social commitments into our calendars, but don’t always book our workouts ahead of time! If it’s in your diary it’s way more likely to happen. And you’ll be healthier, happier, more energised and clear – which your family, friends and colleagues will appreciate! 

How we can help 

We’re here to give you time. Both time for yourself, and time back to do the other things you love to do. The reality is that most people don’t want to spend hours in the gym every week. That’s why our workouts are only 45 minutes long, and intense enough that just a few sessions a week is all you need!  

We are present and we make things easy. You will know what to expect and will know it works. You will feel safe. The ‘happy place’ we create means you will come again and again. You will commit. You will get results. It’s simple. 

Tip: if you tend to be inconsistent with exercise, try committing to the very minimum number of workouts you know you can realistically attend every week – you’ll feel successful, and any extra sessions will be a bonus! Over time, the consistency will lead to a far greater result than going gung-ho early. 

Making Time with Team LA Fit 

Our team don’t just talk the talk, they walk the walk! Here’s what “Make Time” means to some of our crew in their own words: 

Jac: Making time to be fully prepared for my classes, to develop connections with my clients and anyone who walks into the studio, to look after myself both physically and mentally, and to be there for my staff. 

Barbi: Making time for class preparation, crafting playlists, session plans, and reviewing my client list to personalise sessions. I dedicate moments for self-care to recharge my body and soul, so clients receive the best from me. Spending time building connections with clients, creating memories, or exchanging ideas with the team. I set aside time for learning more about Lagree, staying updated on new concepts and changes. 

Team LA Fit