Club 1000 – Rose B

We would love to give a BIG high five to our member Rose Ciallella who has made it to Club 1000!

Rose has been with us since 2017. Rose is a regular in both the Megaformer and Ride rooms and is now at a staggering 1167 classes! 

We chat to Rose about her LA Fit journey, and how she stays motivated and keeps coming back.

Congratulations on joining the 1000 Club! What an achievement – it’s no easy feat. How do you feel

Thanks! I feel strong, calm and energy levels are where I want them to be. 

Tell us all about your LA Fit journey. Why did you join? What was it like in the beginning?

Claire, it’s all Claire…We were talking about my daily exercise regime at my health club and I was disappointed in how it translated on a wholesome basis. Claire almost dared me to try LA Fit and I have not turned back. I love a challenge so the first few sessions of Megaformer I discovered pain where I did not know could exist. It increased my determination, discipline and energy and genuinely changed my life. Pushing me to excel, exactly where I want to be.

What do you enjoy about being a part of the LA Fit community?

Sense of belonging and we are all focused to do our best. Everyone is genuinely lovely and there for the same reason as me, my happy place.

If you had to use three words to describe LA Fit, what would they be?


What do you love about Ride?

Cardio kick, sweat sesh and endorphin high at the end.

What do you love about Megaformer?

Stretching and moving – a full body nirvana.

Seeing as you’ve completed 1167 classes (that’s a hell of a lot), can you share a secret (or three) on staying motivated and consistent with your training?

My morning mantra – Life is not a rehearsal, just get up and do it. I love the energy combined with intense calmness after each session – amazing feeling!

“Life is not a rehearsal, just get up and do it.”

Team LA Fit